
Patty Bredice completed her first ever Ironman World Championship in a time of 11:35:35 Bruce Deakyne completed his first ever Ironman World Championsjips inna time of 10:37:20 Conratulations to both of them!

Watch Patty and Bruce at Ironman World Championships this Saturday 10/12

There will be no noon workout 9/12/13

Congratulations to Patty and Bruce! Both have qualified for spot at Ironman World Championships in Kona!!

Pool will re-open Wednesday 6/26, see you then!

Dear Lake Washington Masters Families, As you may know, Lake Washington School District (LWSD) is in the process of deciding whether to put a bond up for public vote. This bond would be used to build new schools and refurbish older ones. As part of the current bond proposal, Juanita High School would be renovated. As a part of that renovation, Juanita Pool would be destroyed. Currently, only the highest level bond (Option E) includes a provision for replacing the Juanita Pool with a new facility on the JHS campus....

Congrats to Rick Colella 2012 World Masters Swimmer of the Year