2014 SCY National Championships Wrap Up

Congratulations to all of PSM on their win at National!
And congratulations to the 22 swims/swimmers of LWM that took home a Nationa Title this weekend!!




Here is what happened at Nationals:


1000 Free:

Heather- 8th, Suna 7th, Sheila-5th, Dan P- 3rd


1650 Free:

Dan U- 6th


400 IM:

Heather- 16th, Charlotte 1st, Rick- 1st NR, Dan P- 2nd


50 Free:
Shannon- 3rd, Amy -1st, Sheila- 27th, Mary 34th, Charlotte-2nd, Durrell- 46th, Bryan 41st


200 Back:

Susie- 4th, Lisa P-7th, Blair- 20th, Dan U- 15th


100 Breast:

Julie 3rd, Suna 19th, Shannon 8th, Linda-7th, Lisa K- 12th, Rick- 1st NR, Blair-31st


Relay Results are attached


500 Free

Lisa P- 10th, Heather-22nd, Sheila- 14th, Durrell-17th, Dan P- 4th


100 Free:

Shannon- 8th, Amy-3rd, Sheila- 21st, Mary- 31st, Charlotte- 2nd, Durrell-50th, Bryan 47th


200 Breast-

Linda- 5th, Lisa K, 14th, Rick- 1st NR, Dan U- 23rd, Dan P- 3rd


100 IM

Shannon- 12th, Amy 5th, Suna- 21st, Voss-15th, Mary 25th, Lisa 8th, Charlotte- 1st, Rick- 1st, Blair was 42nd


50 Back-

Susie- 1st, Durrell- 18th, Bryan- 14th


200 Fly:
Dan P- 5th


50 Breast:

Amy-13th, Lisa K- 17th, Linda- 5th, Suna -19th, Julie-5th, Rick- 1st- NR, Blair- 27th,


100 Back:

Lisa P- 7th, Susie- 2nd, Bryan- 12th


200 Free:

Amy- 2nd, Shannon- 6th, Sheila- 16th


50 Fly:

Amy-6th, Charlotte-1st, Julie-13th, Bryan- 24th


200 IM- 

Lisa P- 8th, Shannon-10th, Charlotte- 1st, Suna- 11th, Rick- 1st NR, Dan P- 6th, Blair- 24th




Mixed 200 FR

5 PSM  'A'                            1:37.70    1:36.98 

     1) Castle, Matt M42              2) Moorhead, Amy J W42         

     3) Matlock, Shannon L W36        4) Doherty, Todd S M43         

                 24.97        49.37 (24.40)

        1:14.36 (24.99)     1:36.98 (22.62)


14 PSM  'B'                            1:46.00    1:45.35 
     1) Rittenberg, Durrell M44       2) Hiebert, Stephanie W36      
     3) Bradley, Sarah W39            4) Elander, Blair R M52        
                 25.51        53.32 (27.81)
        1:20.25 (26.93)     1:45.35 (25.10)


8 PSM  'A'                            1:39.70    1:41.83 
     1) Bell, Alan M64                2) Phillips, Daniel L M51      
     3) Dahl, Lisa A W52              4) Werner, Haleigh A W45       
                 26.65        50.19 (23.54)
        1:16.52 (26.33)     1:41.83 (25.31)
12 PSM  'B'                            1:46.00    1:43.44 
     1) Bullock, Sarah A W48          2) Johansson, Hanna L W47      
     3) Winter, Doug M45              4) Smith, Bryan E M46          
                 27.00        54.17 (27.17)
        1:18.90 (24.73)     1:43.44 (24.54)


1 PSM  'A'                            1:43.70    1:43.11 
     1) Colella, Rick M62             2) Davis, Charlotte M W64      
     3) Lippold, Mary B W58           4) Graham, Donald M59          
                 25.03        51.90 (26.87)
        1:19.45 (27.55)     1:43.11 (23.66)
11 PSM  'B'                            1:50.40    1:52.54 
     1) Kendrick, Jim A M61           2) Hamry, Carl J M60           
     3) Berg, Tonya K W55             4) Moore, Sheila E W55         
                 25.94        55.29 (29.35)
        1:21.61 (26.32)     1:52.54 (30.93)
17 PSM  'C'                            2:05.80    2:03.21 
     1) Underbrink, Dan M57           2) Adcock, Richard P M58       
     3) Chapman, Linda W58            4) Underbrink, Mary W55        
                 28.79        57.50 (28.71)
        1:27.57 (30.07)     2:03.21 (35.64)
Women’s Medley Relay
4 PSM  'A'                            2:00.00    2:00.92 
     1) Bradley, Sarah W39            2) Keith, Lisa W44             
     3) Moorhead, Amy J W42           4) Matlock, Shannon L W36      
                 32.47      1:07.74 (35.27)
        1:35.74 (28.00)     2:00.92 (25.18)
16 PSM  'B'                            2:21.60    2:16.52 
     1) Farinas, Jennifer R W42       2) Chapman, Linda W58          
     3) Dillan, Gloria W54            4) McFarland, Cestjon W53      
                 34.54      1:10.73 (36.19)
        1:44.39 (33.66)     2:16.52 (32.13)
1 PSM  'A'                            2:00.80    2:00.29 
     1) Pace, Lisa A W52              2) Werner, Haleigh A W45       
     3) Bullock, Sarah A W48          4) Dahl, Lisa A W52            
                 32.60      1:04.23 (31.63)
        1:33.85 (29.62)     2:00.29 (26.44)
8 PSM  'B'                            2:13.80    2:10.96 
     1) Diddams, Margaret A W52       2) Sullivan, Suna W47          
     3) Voss, Julie E W50             4) Johansson, Hanna L W47      
                 36.61      1:12.71 (36.10)
        1:43.87 (31.16)     2:10.96 (27.09)
1 PSM  'A'                            2:12.00    2:12.06 
     1) Davis, Charlotte M W64        2) Berg, Tonya K W55           
     3) Lippold, Mary B W58           4) Moore, Sheila E W55         
                 33.67      1:10.56 (36.89)
        1:41.25 (30.69)     2:12.06 (30.81)
Men’s Medley Relay
15 PSM  'A'                            1:48.00    1:51.00 
     1) Benishek, Mark A M32          2) Doherty, Todd S M43         
     3) Castle, Matt M42              4) Rittenberg, Durrell M44     
                 28.53        57.22 (28.69)
        1:25.38 (28.16)     1:51.00 (25.62)
11 PSM  'A'                            1:48.70    1:49.30 
     1) Nalli, Lyle A M54             2) Phillips, Daniel L M51      
     3) Winter, Doug M45              4) Smith, Bryan E M46          
                 29.94        58.54 (28.60)
        1:24.74 (26.20)     1:49.30 (24.56)
23 PSM  'B'                            2:07.20    2:12.10 
     1) Underbrink, Dan M57           2) Elander, Blair R M52        
     3) Reeder, Bill D M61            4) Goodlin, Tom M54            
                 35.84      1:08.46 (32.62)
        1:42.62 (34.16)     2:12.10 (29.48)
1 PSM  'A'                            1:47.70    1:46.54 
     1) Graham, Donald M59            2) Colella, Rick M62           
     3) Hamry, Carl J M60             4) Hannula, David R M60        
                 28.88        57.82 (28.94)
        1:23.63 (25.81)     1:46.54 (22.91)
Women’s 200 Free Relays
1 PSM  'A'                            1:43.00    1:42.32 
     1) Moorhead, Amy J W42           2) Matlock, Shannon L W36      
     3) Bradley, Sarah W39            4) Dahl, Lisa A W52            
                 24.52        49.41 (24.89)
        1:16.25 (26.84)     1:42.32 (26.07)
13 PSM  'B'                            2:02.40    2:02.33 
     1) Keith, Lisa W44               2) Diddams, Margaret A W52     
     3) Farinas, Jennifer R W42       4) Clarke, Heather W43         
                 29.23      1:00.27 (31.04)
        1:29.40 (29.13)     2:02.33 (32.93)
8 PSM  'A'                            1:55.10    1:52.80 
     1) Bullock, Sarah A W48          2) Sullivan, Suna W47          
     3) Pace, Lisa A W52              4) Voss, Julie E W50           
                 27.83        56.44 (28.61)
        1:24.33 (27.89)     1:52.80 (28.47)
3 PSM  'A'                            1:59.60    1:56.16 
     1) Davis, Charlotte M W64        2) Chapman, Linda W58          
     3) Moore, Sheila E W55           4) Lippold, Mary B W58         
                 27.58        57.34 (29.76)
        1:28.94 (31.60)     1:56.16 (27.22)

Men’s 200 Free Relay

12 PSM  'A'                            1:38.70    1:38.91 
     1) Benishek, Mark A M32          2) O'Hern, David C M30         
     3) Nalli, Lyle A M54             4) Elander, Blair R M52        
                 23.33        49.31 (25.98)
        1:13.70 (24.39)     1:38.91 (25.21)
12 PSM  'A'                            1:37.70    1:38.19 
     1) Nelson, Kirk M43              2) Doherty, Todd S M43         
     3) Rittenberg, Durrell M44       4) Castle, Matt M42            
                 24.26        47.47 (23.21)
        1:13.38 (25.91)     1:38.19 (24.81)
13 PSM  'A'                            1:39.70    1:39.75 
     1) Phillips, Daniel L M51        2) Bell, Alan M64              
     3) Smith, Bryan E M46            4) Winter, Doug M45            
                 24.14        50.10 (25.96)
        1:15.08 (24.98)     1:39.75 (24.67)
1 PSM  'A'                            1:37.30    1:36.22 
     1) Hamry, Carl J M60             2) Hannula, David R M60        
     3) Colella, Rick M62             4) Graham, Donald M59          
                 25.31        48.81 (23.50)
        1:12.54 (23.73)     1:36.22 (23.68)
Mixed Medley Relay

24 PSM  'B'                            2:11.00    2:05.23 

     1) DeLong, Jackie R W19          2) Adcock, Richard P M58       

     3) Smith, Bryan E M46            4) Lowder, Kaitlyn W21         

                 34.80      1:10.09 (35.29)

        1:37.10 (27.01)     2:05.23 (28.13)

2 PSM  'A'                            1:51.20    1:48.17 

     1) Wetstone, Susan W40           2) Doherty, Todd S M43         

     3) Nelson, Kirk M43              4) Moorhead, Amy J W42         

                 29.88        57.81 (27.93)

        1:23.81 (26.00)     1:48.17 (24.36)

21 PSM  'B'                            2:03.20    2:01.86 

     1) Hiebert, Stephanie W36        2) Matlock, Shannon L W36      

     3) Castle, Matt M42              4) Rittenberg, Durrell M44     

                 33.67      1:08.03 (34.36)

        1:36.17 (28.14)     2:01.86 (25.69)

27 PSM  'C'                            2:06.60    2:07.64 

     1) Diddams, Margaret A W52       2) Keith, Lisa W44             

     3) Rogers, Randy M55             4) Kendrick, Jim A M61         

                 36.10      1:12.55 (36.45)

        1:41.60 (29.05)     2:07.64 (26.04)

15 PSM  'B'                            2:01.20    2:00.16 

     1) Pace, Lisa A W52              2) Elander, Blair R M52        

     3) Winter, Doug M45              4) Sullivan, Suna W47          

                 33.55      1:05.17 (31.62)

        1:31.37 (26.20)     2:00.16 (28.79)

1 PSM  'A'                            1:55.00    1:55.05 

     1) Graham, Donald M59            2) Colella, Rick M62           

     3) Davis, Charlotte M W64        4) Lippold, Mary B W58         

                 28.53        57.03 (28.50)

        1:27.26 (30.23)     1:55.05 (27.79)

5 PSM  'B'                            2:04.10    2:05.51 

     1) Bell, Alan M64                2) Berg, Tonya K W55           

     3) Hamry, Carl J M60             4) Moore, Sheila E W55         

                 30.83      1:08.12 (37.29)

        1:34.35 (26.23)     2:05.51 (31.16)